What do Mosaic’s community members say about our program? We’ll let them tell you!
Youth Testimonials:
Kids4Peace Boston [Mosaic] is important to me because it brings youth with different views together to create change… in a world where sometimes that feels impossible.
10th Grade Muslim Mosaic Participant
I have a number of longtime friends from before Kids4Peace [Mosaic]. We hang out and have fun together. But my Kids4Peace [Mosaic] friends are a different type of friends. They come from different backgrounds. I would never otherwise get to know them. We have deeper and more substantial conversations—and these help me as I try to figure out who I am. We fundamentally trust one another.
12th Grade Jewish Mosaic Participant
My involvement with Kids4Peace [Mosaic] has given me the tools and skills to embrace the differences in the world and to learn how to love those differences. I’ve learned how to go into the world and lead by example, teaching others about that love.
12th Grade Christian Mosaic Participant
Parent and Community Testimonials:
I’ve watched Kids4Peace Boston [now Mosaic] grow from an idea to a small community of middle school youth and families to what is now a robust organization that provides leadership development, lasting interfaith relationships, and practical practical peacebuilding skills to a diverse and ever widening circle of Boston area 12-19 year olds. The K4PB [Mosaic] experience is forming a new generation of leaders whoa re ready and able to take on the challenges, live through the tension, and experience the joy of our increasingly pluralistic world.
Rev. Dan Smith Senior Minister, First Church in Cambridge
K4PB [Mosaic] is unique in providing a growthful, educational, and fun forum for Muslim, Jewish, and Christian teenagers to develop into thoughtful citizens with an appreciation for religious, class, and racial diversity. As an Orthodox rabbi and parent I am thrilled my boys have this opportunity to develop real friendships with Christian and Muslim young people while learning leadership skills. K4PB [Mosaic] is enabling them to develop into well-rounded young men with an appreciation for their own culture and religion as well as for Islam and Christianity. As countries around the world become more suspicious of “the other,” K4PB [Mosaic] is providing and incredibly valuable service, educating our children to be leaders and advocates for diverse, multi-faith communities.
Rabbi David Jaffe Mosaic Parent, Author, Jewish Educator
Kids4Peace Boston [Mosaic] is so much more than building interfaith harmony, the children learn how to stand up for their beliefs equipped with well-versed and well-thought out information. A side benefit that we never expected to see in our children is the way they have grown in self-confidence, build deeper values, and have become even better global citizens. They are able to put faces to issues and look deeper into issues than ever before with a greater understanding that different is what makes this world so special.
Parent of 7th grade Christian Mosaic Participant