Want to bring Mosaic to your community? Let’s talk!
Do you work with youth at a religious or community organization? Are you interested in bringing Mosaic programming to your community? Mosaic provides on-site programs for our partners!
There are three ways to get your youth involved:
- Encourage your youth to join Mosaic programs like Circles of Action, Community Workshops and Peace Leader Camp
- Become a Bridges community and have your group participate in programming with 2+ other religious communities
- Bring Community-Based Circles of Action programming to your community
- Have Mosaic run a program designed specifically for your group!
Whether you’re looking to introduce our interfaith and social justice programming to your kids or you’re looking to provide a standalone experience for them, we’re happy to work with you to develop something that will be fun, meaningful, and valuable to your community.
Examples of past on-site programming include:
- Active Antiracist Ally Training
- Introduction to Interfaith Understanding Workshop
- Interfaith Leadership and Facilitation Training
- Dialogue Facilitation
- Community and Teambuilding
- Service Projects

In addition to these one-time programs, Mosaic is also able to offer longer-term programming to community partners. Running a summer camp and want weekly programming from Mosaic? Let us know! Interested in running Circles of Action within your own community? We’re happy to explore with you!
Supporting Bridges
Mosaic is committed to working with every community at their level of financial capacity. Mosaic’s programs are made possible through building robust partnerships with Houses of Worship and community organizations, some of whom join in support through monetary donations and others through logistical support. Mosaic will work with your community to ensure your youth can participate in our programs regardless of financial constraints.

We’ve run on-site programs for a diverse set of communities, including:
- St. Stephen’s Youth Programs, Dorchester
- Temple Isaiah, Lexington
- First Church, Cambridge
- Islamic Center of Boston, Wayland
- Temple Beth Zion, Brookline
- Parish of the Epiphany, Winchester
- Arkanum, Roxbury
- Archbishop Williams High School, Braintree
- The Epiphany School, Dorchester
- The American Youth Foundation, National
- The Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts
Whether you’re looking for a short single workshop or something more expansive like our Circles of Action program, if you’re interested in bringing Mosaic to your youth, learn more here and email hannah@mosaicaction.org to start the conversation!