Our Programs

School Year Programs

Circles of Action

Join if: you’re a 7th-12 grader who wants to take action today!

Time Commitment: One Sunday per month in-person, plus 1-3 hours virtually per week, from September-May

Circles of Action is perfect for you if you’re ready to commit to making a difference in your community this year! We know that our world isn’t the fair and equal place we want it to be, but you can do something about it. In Circles, you’ll spend the school year working with a group of other teens from different religions and backgrounds to learn about a social justice issue you care about and to put together an action project that will help make real change! 

Learn more & sign up here. Community leaders—if you want to sign your youth up for Circles as a group, Email Kim at Kim@mosaicaction.org .

Community Workshops

Join if: you’re a busy 7th-12th grader who wants to explore interfaith without committing to a whole year!

Time Commitment: Workshops are offered once a month from September-May. Drop in when you can, or sign up for the whole year!

In our Community Workshops, you’ll get to really dive into learning about your own and others’ religions, and explore how we can use our faith traditions and our interfaith connections to help us create communities that are truly inclusive and equitable. Join our Community Workshops to have fun, make friends, learn, gain new skills, and build the more inclusive society you want to see! Workshops will include activities like dialogues, skill building sessions, and visits to Houses of Worship.

Learn more & sign up here. Community leaders—if you want to sign your youth up for Workshops as a group, email Email Kim at Kim@mosaicaction.org.


Join if: you’re a leader at a House of Worship who wants the whole community to join the interfaith fun!

Time Commitment: Bridges involves three meetings during the school year (Fall, Winter, and Spring)

As a congregation participating in Bridges, your youth group/class will have three interfaith meetings led by the Mosaic team. The first will be just for your community, getting them ready for their interfaith experience. The second two will be with youth from other religious communities, where we’ll learn about each other, build community, and dive into interfaith peacebuilding! This is a great chance to integrate interfaith learning and dialogue into your curriculum and have your youth to learn, have fun, and experience being in a truly pluralistic community based on mutual respect. 

Learn more here. Now taking requests to join the 2022-2023 school year Bridges program. Email Kim at Kim@mosaicaction.org.

Summer Programs

Peace Leader Camp

Join if: you’re a rising 7th-9th grader looking to have fun and experience the best of sleepaway camp, all while doing something meaningful!

Time commitment: 8 days (overnight) during August. Dates for Summer 2022 TBA

Mosaic’s signature overnight summer camp is perfect for any rising 7th, 8th, or 9th grader looking to have an awesome summer while doing something meaningful. During camp, you’ll spend 8 days in the mountains of New Hampshire making friends, swimming, playing sports, doing arts and crafts, enjoying campfires and camp songs, and much, much more—there are tons of activities to choose from! You’ll also get to start your interfaith journey by learning about others’ traditions and sharing about your own in fun, interesting ways. At camp, you’ll learn important skills you’ll need to make your communities better—more inclusive, fair, and welcoming for everyone. Plus, our camp makes sure that your religious traditions are fully respected—whatever religious requirements you may have, from dietary restrictions, prayer times, and more, we’ll work with you to make sure your needs are met and respected at camp!

Learn more here or Email Kim at Kim@mosaicaction.org.


Partner Programs for High Schoolers

Join if: you’re a high schooler interested in using your faith to help solve some of the world’s most pressing problems.

Time commitment: varies by program, usually 1-2 weeks overnight

Mosaic partners with organizations like Jerusalem Peacebuilders and Seeds of Peace to offer interfaith peacebuilding summer programs for our high school participants. If you’re looking to tackle big conflicts around the world, like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, our partner organizations can give you summer opportunities to learn how to do exactly that. You’ll meet diverse peers who will work with you to make real change, and you’ll learn the skills you need to make a difference.

Learn more here or Email Kim at Kim@mosaicaction.org

Onsite Programs – Bringing Mosaic to Your Community

Do you work with youth at a religious or community organization? Are you interested in bringing Mosaic programming to your community? Let’s talk!

One way to get your youth involved in Mosaic is to encourage them to join our programs—either individually or as a group. Another is to have Mosaic run programs specifically for your youth! Whether you’re looking to introduce our interfaith and social justice programming to your kids or you’re looking to provide a standalone experience for them, we’re happy to work with you to develop something that will be fun, meaningful, and valuable to your community.

We’ve offered a variety of workshops to our partner communities, ranging from topics like intro to interfaith, service projects, interfaith leadership, anti-racism, and more. Whether you’re looking for a short single workshop or something more expansive like our Circles of Action program, if you’re interested in bringing Mosaic to your youth, learn more here and email Kim at Kim@mosaicaction.org to start the conversation!